The Smaller Cap Opportunities Strategy is a long only, micro cap strategy designed to outperform the Russell Micro Cap Growth Index. The Strategy utilizes Falcon Point's time-tested, disciplined and fundamental investment process. Similar to Falcon Point Capital's other products, the Smaller Cap Opportunities Strategy is a focused portfolio, typically with 30-60 stocks across all sectors. Focused funds provide ample diversification while allowing only the best ideas to make it into the portfolio. Of the initial 33 stocks, the vast majority were current holdings in one or more of the other Falcon Point Capital equity strategies. All securities are ranked by appreciation potential with the lowest ranked being candidates to be replaced by new ideas. Turnover for this strategy is expected to be lower than typical growth funds.
All of Falcon Point Capital strategies accept separately managed accounts. Below is the strategy performance which includes one or more separate accounts. No single investors performance will exactly match the strategy performance. Please see the disclosure page for additional information.